Criminal Law

We are an office with extensive experience in Criminal Law, we immediately assist the detainee in any Malagueño municipality 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, Contact us at 673 87 65 63

It is the branch of public law whose main objective is to regulate the power of the state to impose punishments and penalties, thus repressing the commission of crimes, thus associating the penalty with the corresponding crime. In our law firm, the criminal law department is one of the most solid, with extensive experience over the years and more than 2,500 sentences behind the back of this firm, dealing with many issues such as economic criminal law, crimes against public health, fraud, misappropriations, and money laundering crimes.

Criminal law being one of the most serious areas, due to the scope of the interests that are protected and where a poor choice of a lawyer can have negative consequences for any person, both complainant, accused or investigated, so it should only be trust expert criminal lawyers and that they assume the guarantees of the procedure successfully.